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Soccer pitch sizes vary depending on the age of the players and the format of the game being played, and the difference in field sizes can vary greatly from one age group/format to the next.

With this in mind, we’ve put together a comprehensive, visual guide including soccer field diagrams and answers to frequently asked questions, so you can quickly find all the information you need about soccer field dimensions & sizes.

You can read through the complete soccer field dimensions guide, or navigate to a specific section using the quick-links below:


Guidelines for Soccer Field Dimensions

Globally, FIFA (soccer’s international governing body) recommends that children play soccer on pitches that are significantly smaller than those used by adults. FIFA guidelines dictate that soccer field sizes differ according to the specific age group of the players and the number of players on each team.

In the United States, the most readily adhered to guidelines are set out by the US Youth Soccer Association. The organization recommends that children younger than 12, play on smaller pitches, for a shorter duration than senior players.


US Youth Soccer Association - Soccer Field Sizes by Age Group
Age Game Format Length Width
Under 6 3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 25-35yds 22.9-32.0m 75-105ft 15-25yds 13.7-22.9m 45-75ft
Under 7 & 8’s 4 vs 4 or 5 vs 5 25-35yds 22.9-32.0m 75-105ft 15-25yds 13.7-22.9m 45-75ft
Under 9 & 10’s 6 vs 6 or 7 vs 7 55-65yds 50.3-59.4m 165-195ft 35-45yds 32.0-41.1m 105-135ft
Under 11 & 12’s 8 vs 8-11 vs 11 70-80yds 64.0-73.15m 210-240ft 45-55yds 41.1-50.3m 135-165ft
Under 13+ 11 vs 11 100-130yds 91.4-118.9m 300-390ft 50-100yds 45.7-91.4m 150-300ft


Under 6

In accordance with guidelines set out by US Youth Soccer, players aged 6 and under should play games which are divided into 4 to 6 minute quarters with no overtime. The ball should be a size 3, and teams should have a maximum of 3 or 4 players on each side to provide a 3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 game, with no goalkeepers. The recommended goal size is 6ft x 4ft.

The soccer field for under 6 games, should have a length of between 25-35 yards and a width of 15-25 yards.

In meters, an under 6 soccer field should be 22.9-32.0 meters long and 13.7-22.9 meters wide, and in feet it should be 75-105 feet long and 45-75 feet wide.

Under 7 & 8’s

Under 7 & 8 players should play games that are divided into quarters that are 4 to 12 minutes long, with no overtime periods. The ball used should be a size 3 and the number of players should be 4 vs 4, or 5 vs 5, with no goalkeepers. The recommended goal size is 6ft x 4ft.

The soccer field for Under 7 & 8’s games is the same size as Under 6’s with a length of 25-35 yards and a width of 15-25 yards (22.9-32.0 x 13.7-22.9 in meters or 75-105 x 45-75 in feet).

Under 9 & 10’s

For players at Under 9 & 10 the US Youth Soccer Association recommends that games should be divided into 25-minute halves. The ball used should be a size 4 with either a 7 vs 7 or 6 vs 6 player format including goalkeepers. The recommended goal size is 18.5ft x 6.5ft.

The soccer field for Under 9’s & 10’s games should have a length of 55-65 yards and a width of 35-45 yards. In meters this equates to 50.3-59.4 meters long with a width of 32.0-41.1 meters, and in feet it is 165-195 long and 105-135 wide.

kids playing soccerkids playing soccer
Youth soccer playerYouth soccer player

Under 11 & 12’s

Games involving under 11 & 12 players should use a size 4 ball and consist of 2 x 30-minute halves, with 2 x 10 minute overtime periods. In terms of players on each team, the format can be 8 vs 8, 9 vs 9, 10 vs 10 or 11 vs 11.

The soccer field for Under 11 & 12 games should have a length of 70-80 yards and a width of 45-55 yards. In meters, that is 64.0-73.15 meters long and 41.1-50.3 meters wide, and in feet it is 210-240 long and 135-165 wide.

Under 13 & 14’s

Under 13’s and 14’s regulated games are divided into 2 x 35 minute halves, with 2 x 10 minute halves for overtime. The ball should be a size 5 and each team should field 11 players.

The soccer field for under 13’s & 14’s games should be the same size as a senior soccer field, with a length of 100-130 yards and a width of 50-100 yards. In meters this is 91.4-118.9 meters long and 45.7-91.4 meters wide, and in feet it is 300-390 x 150-300.

Under 15 & 16’s

For under 15 and 16’s games, the games should consist of 2 x 40 minute halves, with overtime divided into 2 x 15 minute halves. The ball should be a size 5.

The recommended soccer field size for Under 15 & 16’s teams is in line with a full-size senior soccer pitch, which as mentioned above means a width of between 50-100 yards and a length of 100-130 yards.

Under 17s & Older

Senior soccer games are divided into 2 x 45 minute halves, with 2 x 15 minute halves for overtime. The ball should be a size 5.

The recommended soccer field size for Under 15 & 16’s teams is in line with a full-size senior soccer pitch, which as mentioned above means a width of between 50-100 yards and a length of 100-130 yards.

For IFAB and FIFA regulated soccer games, a senior international soccer field should be between 110 yards (100m) and 120 yards (110m) long and between 70 yards (64m) and 80 yards (73.15m) wide.

FIFA Soccer Field Size Regulations for International Senior Games
Length Width
Minimum 110 yards (105.6m) 70 yards (64.0m)
Maximum 120 yards (109.7m) 80 yards (73.2m)

High School Soccer Field Dimensions

Guidelines published by The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), state that high school soccer fields should have a width of 55 to 80 yards, and a length that’s between 100 and 120 yards.

Measured in meters, this equates to: 50.3-73.2m x 91.4-109.7m

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College Soccer Field Dimensions

College soccer rules are set out by the NCAA. The official NCAA literature states that:

“The field of play shall be rectangular, the width of which shall not be more than 75 yards [68.58 m] or less than 70 yards [64.01 m] and shall not exceed the length. The length shall not be more than 120 yards [109.73 m] or less than 115 yards [105.16 m]”.

College soccer field dimensionsCollege soccer field dimensions


Senior small sided games have individual regulations set out by organizations including the World Mini Football Federation, and the Socca Federation which regulates international 6-a-side tournaments.

5-a-side Soccer Field Size & Markings

5-a-side soccer fields can vary significantly in size, and the dimensions will often depend on the amount of space available. For formalized and regulated games to take place on a given 5-a-side field or court however, most international federations, including The Football Association, state that the field/court should have a:

Length of 40 yards (36.5m) and a width of 30 yards (27.5m).

The markings on a regulation 5-a-side field/court are shown in the soccer field diagram below:

5 a side soccer field dimensions5 a side soccer field dimensions

As shown in the image above, the goal area is a semi circle, with a length - as measured from the center of the goal-line to the tip of the goal area, of 6.5yds (6m). In most regulated and amateur games, only the goalkeepers are allowed to step inside the area.

A 5-a-side field/court should also have a center circle with a radius of 3.0 yards (2.75m). 5 a-side goalposts, should be 12ft x 4ft, although they can also be 16ft x 4ft depending on the regulations.

5-a-side soccer has no offside rule and goalkeepers typically have to feed the ball into play from the goal area, using their hands to throw or roll it to a player on their team. In most rulesets, the goalkeeper has to stay within the goal area at all times.

6-a-side Soccer Field Size & Markings

In the United States, the largest 6-a-side soccer organization is the National Indoor Soccer League. Played on artificial indoor fields, Indoor Soccer is popular in both the US and Canada. Said to have been developed to allow soccer to be played during the winter, the sport now has an official league.

The official rules of the sport state that the field/court should be 200 feet (66.7yds) long and 85 feet (28.3yds) wide. Unlike other soccer fields, games played in the official Indoor Soccer League, must have rounded corners.

Another organization called The Socca Federation states that pitch dimensions can vary greatly for 6-a-side soccer, and games can be played on a wide variety of fields, including indoor and Astroturf surfaces.

However, for international tournaments, the guidelines for the pitch dimensions for 6-a-side tournaments, state that they be no less than 32.8yds (30m) wide by 54.7yds (50m) long - with the recommended size being 38.3yds (35m) by 65.6yds (60m).

For 6-a-side games, the Socca Federation states that the minimum goal size should be 12ft x 6ft.

7-a-side Soccer Field Size & Markings

7-a-side soccer is played across the world and has a number of variations in terms of the rulesets.

Although guidelines and recommendations differ, the most common size of a regulated 7 a side soccer field is 60 yards (54.87m) long and 40 yards (36.58m) wide.

Vermont tennis rackets & bagVermont tennis rackets & bag

For recreational games, the dimensions of a 7-a-side soccer field vary greatly, and official guidelines tend to change slightly from country to country; although the recommended dimensions generally range from 50-65yds (45.72-59.4m) length and 25-50yds (22.9- 45.7m) width.

The International Football Association for example, states that 7-a-side soccer fields should be 49.2-60.1yds long and 27.3-38.3yds wide, or 45.0-55.0m long and 25.0m-35.0m wide in metric units.

Goalposts used in 7-a-side games are usually 12ft x 6ft.

9-a-side Soccer Field Dimensions

9-a-side soccer field dimensions vary greatly at a recreational level. In the USA at the senior level, there are no specific or official standards for the dimensions of a 9-a-side soccer field.

However, the Football Association states that a 9 v 9 soccer field should measure 80 yards (73.15m) x 50 yards (45.72m). It is recommended that games played on 9-a-side fields, have goals that measure 21ft x 7ft.

9 a side soccer field dimensions9 a side soccer field dimensions

11-a-side Soccer Field Dimensions

In the United States, the rules for senior soccer are set out by the United States Soccer Federation (USSF). In terms of soccer field dimensions, the USSF adheres to the international rules that are set out by IFAB.

For 11-a-side senior soccer matches, it is recommended that soccer fields should measure 110 yards (100.6m) long and 70 yards (64.0m).

For domestic recreational games, the size of 11-a-side soccer fields can vary quite significantly. The length of a soccer field can vary from 100 yards (91.4m) to 130 yards (118.9m), whilst the width can be anywhere between 50 yards (45.7m) to 100 yards (91.4m), and still be in line with the IFAB’s official Laws of the Game.

Soccer fields used in senior 11-a-side international games however, have stricter guidelines. IFAB states that soccer fields for international games should measure 110 yards (100.6m) to 120 yards (109.7m) in length and 70 yards (64.0m) to 80 yards (73.2m) in width.

The English Football Association recommends that soccer fields should measure 110 yards (110.6m) in length and 70 yards (64.0m) in width. Despite this recommendation, the majority of Premier League soccer pitches in England actually measure between 112 yards (102.4m) to 115 (105.2m) yards long, and 70 yards (64.0m) to 75 yards (68.6m) wide. MLS soccer fields, including LA Galaxy’s Dignity Health Sports Park have a length of 120 yards (109.7m).

MLS Soccer guidelines state state that the playing field will be at a minimum 70 yards wide by 110 yards long. The goalposts should measure 24ft x 8ft.


The lines and layout of a soccer field are instrumental when it comes to the rules and gameplay. From determining if the ball is in or out of play, to deciding if a penalty or a free kick should be awarded, soccer field markings are important to understand as a player, coach, referee or spectator.

Not only do soccer fields have regulations in terms of the overall width and length, the different zones on the soccer field are also regulated to certain dimensions.

When discussing the lines and markings of a soccer field, It’s worth noting that soccer field lines should be equally thick and not exceed 5 inches (12.7cm) according to FIFA regulations, and the NCAA states that soccer pitch lines should be the same width and not less than 4 inches (10.16cm) or greater than 5 inches (12.7cm).

The Soccer Pitch Perimeter

The lines that set out the rectangular shape of the overall soccer field, are called the touchlines and the goal lines.

The touchlines run the length of the field and the goal lines run the width of the field.

When the whole of the ball crosses the touchline, it is out of play. A throw-in is then awarded to the team that didn’t touch the ball last.

When the whole of the ball crosses the goal line, a corner kick is awarded to the attacking team if a defender touched the ball last before it went out of play, or a goal kick is awarded to the defending team if an attacker was the last player to touch the ball. If the whole of the ball crosses the goal line that spans the width of the goalposts the attacking team is awarded a goal.

The Goal Area

The goal area is the rectangular area in front of the goalposts. The goal area measures 6 yards (5.49m) from the goal line and is 20 yards (18.29m) wide.

Goal kicks must be taken from within the goal area. As with goal kicks, if the defending team is awarded a free kick inside the goal area, they can take it anywhere within the goal area.

The goal area also provides a buffer zone for free kicks and dropped balls. If the game is stopped for any reason other than a foul or misconduct, then a dropped ball is used to restart the game. If the game is stopped when the ball is within the goal area, the drop ball must take place 6 yards from the goal line - on the edge of the goal area.

The Penalty Box

Sometimes referred to as the “penalty area” , the Penalty box is actually a rectangle that is marked out in front of and to the sides of each goal. The penalty box is marked out with a length of 18 yards (16.5m) from the center of the goal line and is 44 yards (40.2m) wide.

The width of the penalty box is normally marked out by a groundskeeper measuring 18 yards from each side of the goalposts. A full-size goal is 8 yards (7.32m) wide, so the total width of the penalty box will therefore be 44 yards (40.2m) - 18 yards + 18 yards + 8 yards.

The penalty box is the area where the goalkeeper is allowed to handle the ball. If a foul is incurred within the penalty box, by the defending team, rather than a direct free kick, the attacking team is awarded a penalty kick which is taken from the penalty spot.

Penalty Spot

A penalty is awarded when a defending player either fouls an attacking player or handles the ball within the penalty box.

The penalty spot, also known as the “penalty mark”, is where the ball is placed for penalty kicks. It is measured 12 yards (11.0m) out from the goal line, in line with the center of the goal. The penalty spot should be 9 inches in diameter.

FORZA soccer ball on a penalty spotFORZA soccer ball on a penalty spot
Line marking machine on the penalty box arcLine marking machine on the penalty box arc

Penalty Box Arc

The penalty box arc, sometimes referred to as “the D”, is placed on the far side of the penalty box, opposite the goalposts and goalline.

The highest part of the penalty box arc is marked 10 yards (9.15m) from the penalty spot.

The penalty arc is not part of the penalty box and is only used when a penalty is awarded. When a penalty is awarded during normal gameplay (not a penalty shootout), only the goalkeeper and the penalty-taker can step inside the penalty box and the penalty arc.

All other players must wait outside the penalty box and the penalty arc until the kick is taken.

Halfway Line

As the name suggests, the halfway line marks the entire soccer field into two equal halves. The halfway line is marked out across the width of the soccer field. The point at which the halfway line is marked is calculated by taking the total width of the field and dividing it by 2. If a soccer field was 100 yards long for example, the halfway line would be marked out across the field from a point that is 50 yards from each goalline.

Players must stay within “their own half” during kick-off, which occurs at the start of the game, after half-time, and after a goal is scored.

Players cannot be offside when they are within their own half of the field (the half of the field that the goal they are defending resides within).

Center Circle & Center Spot

Used to identify the center of the soccer field, the center spot is found directly in the middle field, on the halfway line. The center circle has a diameter that is 10 yards (9.15m) and is marked out from the center spot.

During kick-off, the opposing team has to stand outside the center circle and within their own half of the field.

Corner Arc

Corner arcs dictate where corner kicks must be taken from. The corner arc is a quarter-circle and has a 1-yard radius which is measured from the base of the corner flag in each corner of the field. Attacking teams must place the ball within the corner arc when taking a corner kick.


With soccer fields varying so much in size, you may be interested to know the dimensions of some of the most well-known soccer fields across the world.

Famous Soccer Field Dimensions
Club Ground Location Length Width
Manchester United Old Trafford Manchester (UK) 114.8yds (105m) 74.4yds (68m)
Liverpool Anfield Liverpool (UK) 110.5yds (101m) 74.4yds (68m)
Wrexham The Racecourse Wrexham (UK) 111.5yds (102m) 74.4yds (68m)
N/A Wembley London (UK) 115yds (105.2m) 75yds (68.6m)
LA Galaxy Dignity Health Sports Park California (USA) 120yds (109.7m) 75yds (68.6m)
DC United Audi Field Washington D.C. (USA) 115yds (105.2m) 75yds (68.6m)
Real Madrid Santiago Bernabéu Stadium Madrid (Spain) 114.8yds (105m) 74.4yds (68m)
Barcelona Camp Nou Barcelona, Spain 115yds (105.2m) 74.4yds (68m)


Why is a soccer field called a pitch?

In the UK, a soccer field is usually called a “football pitch”. The word “pitch” is derived from the sport of cricket, which has a specific area called a pitch.

When the sport was first regulated and played in the UK in the 1800s, soccer fields did not exist and the majority of games were played on cricket fields. The word “pitch”, in old English means "to thrust (something) in", and in cricket, the pitch is the area between both sets of stumps.

In order to play soccer on a cricket field, the cricket stumps would have to be removed from the cricket pitch. This eventually led to the term “football pitch” being used to refer to a modified cricket field where soccer could be played.

Soccer player taking a corner kickSoccer player taking a corner kick
Groundsman painting lines to a soccer fieldGroundsman painting lines to a soccer field

How many acres are in a soccer field?

A FIFA-regulated international soccer field has a total area that is between 1.59 and 1.99 acres. A typical professional soccer field has a length of 115 yards and a width of 75 yards, making the total area equal to 1.78 acres.

How big is a World Cup soccer field?

A soccer field used in the FIFA World Cup must have a length of 110-120 yards and a width of 70-80 yards. In meters, a World Cup soccer field should have a length of 110-110m and a width of 64m-73.2m.

How big is a soccer field in feet?

Soccer fields can vary in size. However, an international soccer field must measure between 330-360 feet in length, and 210-240 feet in width.

International soccer fields have a total surface area that is between 69,300 and 86,400ft².

How many laps around a soccer field is a mile?

As soccer fields vary in size, the number of laps required to complete a mile does too. Most professional soccer fields are approximately 115 yards long and 75 yards wide. This means that one lap is 380 yards. A mile is equal to 1,760 yards, therefore 4.6 laps of a typical professional soccer field, is equal to 1 mile.

Is a soccer field bigger than a basketball court?

A soccer field is significantly bigger than a basketball court. An NBA basketball court is 31.3 yards long and 16.7yds, with a total area of 522.71yds². A typical professional soccer field is 115 yards long and 75 yards wide., with a total surface area of 8,625yds².

Line marking wheelLine marking wheel
Portable team shelter on the side of a soccer fieldPortable team shelter on the side of a soccer field

Is a soccer field bigger than a football field?

A soccer field is larger than a football field. Most professional soccer fields are approximately 115 yards long and 75 yards wide. Whilst, football fields are 120 yards long and 53 yards wide.

Whilst a typical professional soccer field has a total surface area of 8,625yds² (1.78 acres) , a football field has a surface area of 6,360yds² (1.31 acres).

How many players are on a soccer field?

There are 11 players on each team during a regulated soccer game. One player on each side must be the designated goalkeeper.

For FIFA regulated games, there must be at least 7 players on each team. If a team has less than 7 players available due to injuries or red cards, the game is abandoned.

What equipment do I need to mark out a soccer field?

To mark out a soccer field, you will need a range of line marking equipment, including line marking paint and a line marking machine. In order to calculate the location of the lines and zones, groundskeepers will typically use a measuring tape and/or a metric measuring wheel and other line marking accessories including line marking pins or stakes.

At Net World Sports we sell a wide range of soccer field line marking equipment, including line marking wheels, motorized trikes and setting out kit bags. We carry everything you need to mark out a soccer field, including penalty spot marker, marking triangles, and soccer field marking tape.


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